.sv Files

Tue Nov 28 08:28:34 PST 2006

Dhcpcd will overwrite certain files, keeping the old
file as a .sv file, replacing the overwritten file with the original
on the way out when it is killed.

I have been having problems with mysteriously disappearing
resolv.conf and ntp.conf files that are a result of this.  In
Slackware, this his can be avoided by editing
/etc.rc.d/rc.inet1.conf and adding lines like:

rc.inet1.conf:DHCP_KEEPNTP[0]="yes"          # If you don't want ntp.conf overwritten

where "[0]" is your interface number, ie 0 for eth0...

In general, forcing a new lease would look something like this:

/sbin/dhcpcd -k # kill dhcpcd and flush the lease
/usr/bin/sleep 1
/sbin/dhcpcd -d -t 60 -N -h `hostname` 
# -d is for verbose logging, -t sets time out in seconds -N
# preserves ntpd.conf and -h `hostname` sets the hostname in DNS on
# the dhcp server.



08/24/12: all new material is at robzweb.com

09/26/03: Building the standard workstation
Integral Yoga® Upper West Side
1/22/05: Notes on NFS and Moving Data
7/18/05: taring  /
09/14/06: Five Fortunes
11/28/06: .sv files
12/19/06: Excel Formulas and Macros
05/26/08: linux notebook
08/10/11: Pulling and Pushing with SSH

warm and fuzzy:
01/11/03: Gandhi Bibliography
10/31/04: Polly's Halloween Costume
12/13/05: Integral Yoga at Sunflowers Loft
12/29/06: Contact Information
09/02/07: Vacation 07

Does it validate?

Design from: glish.com , thankx

The Moon is Waxing Gibbous (96% of Full)