[This class is no longer meeting due to loss of venue. If you are interested in providing space, please call the number below.]
982 Main St, Peekskill, 2nd Floor, just past
Precious Garden Restaurant and across from Kathleen's Tea Room (over
Sav Mor Auto Parts.)
Parking is free in the municipal lot across the street after
Tuesdays, 6:30 to 8:15 pm
$15 per class, sixth consecutive class free
Traditional Yoga postures (Asana), deep relaxation, breath control (Pranayama), chanting and mental concentration calm the mind and bring about a natural state of peace.
Yoga can help quench the spiritual thirst of our being for wholeness.
Instructor: Bob Solomon
Twelve years experience teaching. Integral Yoga advanced
certification. Not a gym style class.
For information call: 914 528 2073
Tue Dec 13 12:49:22 EST 2005
08/24/12: all new material is at robzweb.com
09/26/03: Building the standard
Integral Yoga® Upper West Side
1/22/05: Notes on NFS and Moving
7/18/05: taring /
09/14/06: Five Fortunes
11/28/06: .sv files
12/19/06: Excel Formulas and Macros
05/26/08: linux notebook
08/10/11: Pulling and Pushing with SSH
warm and fuzzy:
01/11/03: Gandhi Bibliography
10/31/04: Polly's Halloween Costume
12/13/05: Integral Yoga at Sunflowers Loft
12/29/06: Contact Information
09/02/07: Vacation 07
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The Moon is Waxing Gibbous (94% of Full)